The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services (VICS) engaged HMA to develop a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for their recently developed Implementation Plan. VICS brings together stakeholders including clinicians, researchers and consumers as part of work to develop and implement cancer service improvement activities, which address three of the five priority areas from the Victorian Cancer Plan 2020–2024. The VICS Implementation Plan articulates how VICS will work together towards addressing their roles and responsibilities in addressing the goals of the Victorian Cancer Plan 2020–2024. Key tasks included:
- Scoping the M&E Framework in conjunction with VICS project coordinators to understand the full scope of activities to be implemented and work undertaken to date.
- Development of program theories, program logics, and evaluation questions to support the M&E Framework involving desktop review of program documentation and consultation with key VICS personnel.
- Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Plans for the three priority areas identified, including development of key outcomes measures, indicators and measures of change and targets for change where relevant.
- Development of a plan for data collection, management, analysis, and synthesis based on the outcomes, indicators and measures. The plan outlines sources of suitable data and timing and responsibility of collection to promote consistent reporting among the nine Integrated Cancer Services (ICS) across Victoria.
- Implementation of M&E capacity building workshops for VICS staff to promote consistency across the ICS and upskill staff.
- Presentation of the draft and final M&E Framework to the VICS Network Group for approval.
The project commenced in March 2022 and was completed in October 2022.