Environmental Scan – Service Delivery Models in Gynaecological Cancer

Project Info


  • Cancer Australia

Client Type

  • Government entity

Financial Year

  • 2014-15

Health Areas

  • Acute
  • Cancer

Service Provided

  • Health program development


  • National

HMA was engaged to undertake an environmental scan of service delivery models in gynaecological cancer. This project aimed to enhance Cancer Australia’s understanding of how women with gynaecological cancers in Australia were being supported across the continuum of care. The project identified innovative, effective and sustainable service delivery models of cancer care that may have national applicability to promote improved outcomes for women with gynaecological cancers. The project included:

  • an on-line survey to gynaecological cancer services which focused on the progress made in implementing the National Gynaecological Cancers Service Delivery and Resource Framework.
  • face-to-face consultations with representatives of each jurisdiction. In addition, HMA consulted with some gynaecological cancer services to discuss examples of good practice identified in the survey
  • preparation of a discussion paper, sent to peak bodies and professional colleges seeking their written feedback on survey findings
  • a workshop to provide feedback on the project findings. A range of stakeholders were invited to attend including peak bodies, jurisdiction representatives and gynaecological cancer services, and
  • a final report documenting the project findings

The project commenced in May 2014 and was completed in October 2014