Implementation Review of the Pharmacy Trial Program

Project Info


  • Australian Government Department of Health

Client Type

  • Commonwealth department

Financial Year

  • 2019-20

Health Area

  • Pharmacy

Services Provided

  • Evaluation
  • Health program evaluations


  • National

The Australian Government Department of Health engaged HMA to review the implementation of the Pharmacy Trial Program (PTP). Under the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement (6CPA), $50 million was made available through the PTP to trial new and expanded community pharmacy programs which seek to improve the clinical outcomes for consumers and/or extend the role of pharmacists in the delivery of primary health care services. The objectives of the implementation review were to assess the appropriateness of the PTP, identify early insights into implementation, and provide recommendations and/or options on possible enhancements to the design and implementation of the PTP. Key tasks included:

  • development of an implementation review plan
  • preparation of a situation analysis and documentation review including peer-reviewed and grey literature, National policy, and Government Grant Guidelines
  • consultation with key stakeholders including peak bodies, advocacy groups, grant recipients and grant applicants
  • preparation and analysis of an online survey of pharmacists to seek views on approaches to innovation
  • data analysis and triangulation to identify key themes and develop recommendations, and
  • preparation of a final report of review findings.

The review was completed in November 2019. Subsequent to the review the Government announced investment of $25 million into research to improve the safe use of medicines and medicines intervention by pharmacists through MRFF grants. Download the report here.