Rapid Systematic Review for the National Eating Disorder Research and Translation Strategy

Project Info


  • InsideOut Institute

Client Type

  • National government agency

Financial Year

  • 2019-20

Health Area

  • Mental health

Services Provided

  • Evaluation
  • Health program evaluations


  • National

The Australian Government commissioned the InsideOut Institute to develop the National Eating Disorder Research and Translation Strategy, in partnership with state and national stakeholders. To inform the strategy the InsideOut Institute engaged HMA to complete a rapid systematic review of the literature to assess the current research base. The objective of the systematic review was to identify knowledge, translation and implementation gaps. Key tasks included:

  • identification of search terms
  • refinement of search strategy including use of a PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) framework to guide search terms and the PRISMA guidelines to assess identified literature
  • comprehensive searching of medical and scientific databases for relevant high-quality research evidence
  • evidence assessment and alignment to a proposed optimal patient care pathway
  • collation and presentation of research findings to the National Eating Disorder Research and Translation Strategy Advisory Committee, and
  • preparation of the final Rapid Systematic Review report.

As a result of this project, InsideOut Institute has a comprehensive document, which presents research undertaken in the past ten years on key disorders across a patient care continuum including population impacts, prevention, treatment, relapse prevention and outcomes. Findings will be published by the InsideOut Institute and used to identify future research priorities.

The project was completed in September 2020.