Louise Greene

Senior Associate - Aged Care

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Louise brings a unique mix of clinical and operational knowledge with business acumen and experience in working with organisations to strengthen their clinical, business, and operating models.

Louise has led the quality and business improvement team at The Ideal Consultancy for the past 15 years. With a focus on the current and future challenges the sector faces, Louiseā€™s expertise is called upon by organisations nationally. Louise enjoys working with all levels of an organisation: as an Advisor; as a member of Clinical Advisory Committees for Not For Profit, Community and Private providers; and as a Board member of an aged care provider.

Louise is committed to high-quality care, services and supports that enable older Australians to live the best life they can. Acknowledging the challenges of working in an environment with a storing reform agenda, Louise is committed to innovative consumer-focused care models and enjoys supporting organisations through the change process.

In 2020 Louise was called upon to support aged care homes that were badly impacted by COVID-19 and supported the establishment of VACRC where she was the aged care subject matter expert. In 2021 Louise led the role out of RAT testing to aged care homes nationally.