Our consulting team uses diverse methods of information capture and consultation. We typically employ a mixed method approach of evidence collection ensuring both qualitative and quantitative information is available for analysis. Examples of techniques typically used include:
Our consultants are experienced in conducting semi-structured interviews with Government Departments, peak bodies, health professionals, advocacy groups, community members and service consumers.
When appropriate our consultants will facilitate a workshop or small focus group discussions to draw out rich information from key stakeholders. Workshops can provide an opportunity to generate a common understanding or consensus among stakeholders, or articulate key points of difference.
Examples of our work:
Services to People with Severe and Complex Mental Illness: Case Study Project, College of Mental Health Nurses
HMA typically uses a ‘rapid evidence assessment’ literature review method to identify and assess relevant peer-reviewed articles. Using a PICO framework (population, intervention, control, outcome) we specify the literature review question and appropriate search terms to ensure a thorough scan of recent literature for inclusion.
HMA can also undertake comprehensive literature reviews if required.
Examples of our work:
Rapid Systematic Review for the National Eating Disorder Research and Translation Strategy, InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders
In addition to accessing existing datasets (e.g. Australian Bureau of Statistics census data), HMA routinely collects new data using purposefully designed surveys.
HMA uses commercial online survey software to prepare and distribute online surveys. However, we understand that not everyone prefers an online survey. Therefore, we also prepare paper-based versions for mail out when required.
Sometimes it’s not that simple. Depending on the nature of the data, the need to link multiple data sources or privacy requirements for sensitive information, a more sophisticated approach may be required. On these occasions, HMA will develop a purpose-built survey instrument that addresses the above issues and allows for complex data collection.
Examples of our work include: