The Department of Health and Aged Care engaged HMA to evaluate the effectiveness of the Infection Prevention and Control Lead Nurse role (IPC Lead). The IPC Lead role is a key component of reform efforts led by the Australian Government following a special report on COVID-19 and aged care that was produced by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety in 2020. The IPC Lead role aims to increase IPC expertise across the aged care sector and offers a focal point for the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to audit aged care services regarding IPC capability. The evaluation focused on the implementation, delivery, and management of the IPC Lead. The approach was mixed methods and key tasks included:
- A desktop review of existing program documentation and data along with a literature scan on IPC practices and comparable international programs to form the basis of a situation analysis and inform the development of the evaluation framework.
- Development of the data collection infrastructure (stakeholder discussion guides, IPC Lead survey, case study visit guide) and ethics application.
- Consultations with key aged care sector stakeholders and distribution of the IPC Lead survey. These outcomes were analysed to develop a draft interim evaluation report presenting preliminary findings.
- Case study visits to 18 RACFs across Australia. The sample of 18 RACFs includes a mix of provider type, geography, facility size, and scope of service offering.
- Evaluation findings and insights were analysed to inform the development of recommendations, presented in a draft and subsequent final report.
The project commenced in June 2023 and was completed in December 2023.