Flexible accreditation to support pain training in rural areas

Project Info


  • Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

Client Type

  • Specialist medical college

Financial Year

  • 2024-2025

Health Areas

  • Rural health
  • Workforce

Service Provided

  • Workforce development


  • National

The Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) – Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) engaged Healthcare Management Advisors to identify flexible accreditation models for training pathways in regional areas. The project sought to understand the barriers and enablers for regional-based health settings to achieve the FPM accreditation standards. FPM’s longer-term vision was to expand the flexible model approach to other regions and jurisdictions in Australia and potentially New Zealand (subject to evaluation and funding). The project was executed using a staged approach, including an environmental scan and stakeholder consultation. Key tasks included:

  • Preparation of an environmental scan to provide an overview of the current FPM accreditation and training model. Flexible accreditation models in other specialist streams were also reviewed to identify potential opportunities to explore further.
  • Consultation with FPM fellows, trainees, and accredited and non-accredited pain units. Other specialist colleges were also consulted to explore other specialist training models and initiatives in regional and rural areas.
  • A discussion paper was prepared with FPM training model options and tested internally with FPM stakeholders
  • A final report was prepared with a detailed summary of the project execution and opportunities for flexible accreditation options.

The project was undertaken from July to November 2024.